Information Videos

Listed here will be / are helpful information videos, each one getting its own page, linked to from the relevant page within the website. In effect this page is an index of what is and perhaps what will be.

The idea being to provide useful information, on various aspects in relation to gates, railings etc.

Videos will be restricted to 100mb size and in 720p (for those of a technical mind), which should allow for a maximum video length of 10 mins if compressed, hopefully long enough to provide a helpful video and explain what needs to be explained. Hi res versions are likely to be posted to youtube but sadly you will have to put up with the adverts there.

What’s here

Steel Bars

Currently 1 video, showing, showing Circle bars.

Whats to come – more to add as i think of them (this is more of a reminder for me)

Gates – Adjustable hinges and how they work
Gates – Locks
Gates – wall / post fixings

Steel – material size comparisons

Juliet Balconies – better explanation of tile hung fitment
Juliet balconies – Why ours are like they are..

Building regulations – easy understanding of building regs that apply to railings balconies etc etc

Railings – wall fittings and how they work

Assorted videos – what goes into making something (this covers a lot of videos)

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